What do you need?

When I looked up “opening a ramen shop” on chatGPT, I found that seven items were required.
This is roughly correct, but it is impossible to open a ramen store with such a general description.
First of all, knowledge and experience must be the foundation to get to the “start” of opening a restaurant.
Do I need training? is the same as making fun of the owner.
I want to be a ramen chef, but do I have to go through training?”
I have been asked this many times in my business. I answered with consideration because I was a customer, but if I were not a customer, I would grab them by the head and shove them into a noodle machine with hot water.
In other words, it’s like saying, “As long as you have the right equipment, you can open a ramen shop, right?” It’s the same as saying, “If I only had the right equipment, I could open a ramen shop, right?
For the first two years or so, I thought that’s what I was saying, but I didn’t want to get angry, and I didn’t want to talk about it,
If you don’t want it, you don’t want it. You should try it!” I’m not proud of my hard work, but I think it’s the best thing I could have done in the midst of my training.
I am not proud of my hardships, but the hardest time during my training was going to the restaurant before 7:00 a.m., finishing all the preparation before the owner arrived, and going home at 11:00 a.m. without ever sitting down or taking a break. I have two days off a month. While living like this, I take notes on everything the owner says. I thought there were hints even in casual conversation, so I didn’t just ignore them, but wrote them down when I got settled down at work. In today’s world, it would be easy to dismiss the work as “black,” but from my point of view, I am getting knowledge for the future while getting paid for it. It was tough, but not hard, because I considered my current exhaustion as an investment in my future.
The moment an amateur opens a restaurant, he is a professional. Can an amateur become a professional the moment he opens a restaurant?
An amateur is an amateur. They are not at the level of providing products for which they are paid.
I wrote that in harsh words, but I really am not naive. I studied a lot with the same feelings I wrote about earlier, and I thought I might be able to open a store now. It was after three years that I thought I might be able to open my own restaurant. (As a result, I trained for five years.)
After that, I thought to myself, “What? If you think, “Oh, training is hard work. If you think “Oh, training is too much work,” you should quit. If you think “Oh, it’s too much work,” then you should stop.
We are blessed during training.

I’m in the perverted zone, so if nothing else, I’d like to train for another two years. I’ve never worked in a pure tsukemen shop and I want to see it. It’s a good time to get paid and learn. Once you open a restaurant and become the owner, you have to pay to study.
And you can study with other people’s money and fail in other people’s stores.
It’s a negative for the store, but the owner is supposed to be making the apprentice learn in the hopes that it will be a positive experience for him or her.
(Of course, if they fail, they will be scolded.)
Now, this is a rough category, but I will talk about the main points.
Of course, this story is not limited to ramen shops, but can be used in other stores as well.

メニューの開発: 提供するラーメンの種類やトッピング、サイドメニューを決めます。
予算計画 開業資金、運営資金、収益予測などを具体的に計画します。
マーケティング戦略 開店前後のプロモーション活動やSNS戦略を考えます。
立地の選定 顧客の流れやアクセスの良さを考慮して場所を選びます。
店舗デザイン 居心地の良い店舗デザインや内装を計画します。
競合分析 近隣の他のラーメン屋や飲食店の強みと弱みを調査します

必要な許可 食品衛生法に基づく営業許可やその他必要なライセンスを取得します。

プロモーション 開業前からSNSや広告で宣伝し、開業日には特典を用意するなどして集客を図ります。
開業 開店日を迎え、スムーズな運営を心掛けます。

顧客フィードバックの収集: お客様の意見を聞き、サービスやメニューの改善を続けます。
財務管理: 日々の売上や経費を管理し、健全な経営を維持します。
ビジネスプランの作成方法:マーケティング戦略についての本やウェブサイトを参考にすると良いでしょう。- 飲食店向けのトレーニングプログラムやコンサルタントサービスも検討してみてください。
Roughly 7 items.
So what’s a skimmer? How do you calculate the cost? Which noodle makers do you order from? There is no end to the number of questions.
I will introduce each part on a separate page,
Each part will be introduced on a separate page.
Remember, don’t be reckless, like making a living by fishing in a pond with no fish in it. One of my strategies is to set up store where there is a lot of pedestrian traffic.
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[…] ラーメン屋を開業して店主として店を持つには? 2024年7月31日 […]