President Tanaka– Author –

President of a company.
With a wife and two children, he struggles with housework and work with all his might.
After working as a salaried worker at an advertising agency and a printing company, he decided to train at a ramen restaurant.
In addition to training at a ramen shop, he worked at an izakaya (Japanese style bar) and a yakitori (grilled chicken) restaurant to gain knowledge, and then opened his own ramen shop.
During the Corona period, he suffered a decline in sales, but he taught himself how to invest and survived the Corona period before his life became seriously difficult.
Later, he established a joint-stock company based on a nursery school and food retailing.
As an individual, he consulted on opening and managing restaurants. Restaurant management.
Whenever there is something that interests him, he has to research it and make it his knowledge.
I often say, “It's a loss not to know in life.
Therefore, I will summarize the knowledge of life that I feel in my own way, although the genres vary widely.
I am also a manager now, but I have experienced the feelings of people from all walks of life because I spent a long time as a lowly employee.
I am also a certified health counselor, so I will also post my own thoughts on mental health issues.
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Certified Dashi Meister
Licensed as a childcare support worker
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